
Thank you #SALAMATSAINYO Extending our appreciation and gratitude to the whole PGC skeletal force who have been working hard these past few weeks and are continuously doing so. In the same note, PGC sends its thanks to all the front liners out there: to our health workers, security guards, janitors, drivers, food chain employees and […]


PGC’s preparation and response in addressing the COVID-19 national health emergency Press Release: Philippine Genome Center gears up to verify presence of 2019-nCoV through whole genome sequencing 01/30/2020 The Philippine Genome Center is ready to verify the presence of 2019-nCoV through whole genome sequencing. With the use of Next Generation DNA/RNA Sequencing equipment (NGS) available […]

Who is the Filipino, genomically speaking?

On human genetics, Dr. Maria Corazon De Ungria and Jazelyn Salvador briefly described their research on the genetics of Mangyans in Mindoro and of Philippine Negritos, respectively. They are both from the DNA Analysis Laboratory (DAL), Natural Sciences Research Institute, College of Science, UPD. Meanwhile, Prof. Jae Joseph Russell Rodriguez of the Institute of Biological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, UP Los Baños, also in collaboration with DAL, discussed his investigation into the human genetic history of the Sulu Archipelago.

Overcoming Challenges and Building Opportunities with Bioinformatics

The 2020 Bioinformatics Conference aims to bring together researchers, students, and professionals from the field of genomics and bioinformatics. Themed “#BioInfoPH: Overcoming Challenges, Building Opportunities”—the conference intends to surface the complexities of conducting bioinformatics and genomics research in the Philippines and therein address these challenges through the conference forum.