As of 2024-06-06, all requests for ocular visits, tours, and similar activities in the PGC Building will be deferred due to the building’s ongoing repairs, renovation, and construction works.

Important Notice

How to visit PGC?

Send the following information to

  • Full name of the tour/visit representative
  • School or affiliation
  • Purpose of visit

Subject: PGC Tour/Visit Request_(Affiliation/Company/Institution)

Online Resources

Learn more about PGC through its capacity-building activities.

Things to know

  • PGC implements basic Biosafety protocols for visitors to ensure the health and safety of both the visitors and staff within the facility.
  • Due to the limited space and to prevent disruptions to lab operations, the maximum number of participants allowed per visit is 20 people.
  • Tours or visits will be scheduled according to the availability of the core facilities or facilitators. Likewise, approval will depend on the schedule of operations, activities/events, and staff.
  • Once a request has been sent to the PGC email, kindly wait for a confirmation before sending a follow-up.

Response time may take up to three (3) days due to internal coordination and scheduling.

Genomics for a better Philippines