Multiple interrelated pathways contribute to the pathogenesis of preeclampsia, and variants in susceptibility genes may play a role among Filipinos, an ethnically distinct group with high prevalence of the disease. The objective of this study was to examine the association between variants in maternal candidate genes and the development of preeclampsia in a Philippine population

DSCF Official Launch
The Philippine Genome Center DNA Sequencing Core Facility has finally opened its doors! The facility held its launch today and is now fully operational and ready to serve the whole Filipino scientific community. DOST Secretary Hon. Mario G. Montejo and University of the Philippines President Alfredo E. Pascual led the official ribbon cutting ceremony.

DSCF at the first NIMBB Conference
As one of the speakers in the 1st MBB Conference during the week-long celebration of NIMBB’s 25th anniversary last December 9-12, 2012, Denice introduced the Philippine Genome Center to the NIMBB community. She presented an overview of what PGC is and its goals, giving emphasis on the DNA Sequencing Core Facility, its services, as well as opportunities for students and collaborators.