Last April 21-24, 2013, Dr. Cynthia Saloma and research assistant Krizelle Alcantara traveled to Phuket, Thailand to attend the 2013 Illumina Asia Pacific Scientific Summit. It is a premier regional customer event hosted by Illumina which brought together scientists from renowned research institutions in the Asia Pacific, including Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Korea, and Australia, as well as from the US and Germany.

Shimadzu MultiNA Training
Last February 25-26, 2013, Denice, Gabriel, and David of the DSCF went to Shimadzu Singapore to train for the usage of the Shimadzu MultiNA automated electrophoresis machine, which the facility has acquired. The MultiNA is a chip electrophoresis system that can determine concentrations and sizes of DNA and RNA samples. Because micro channels are used for electrophoresis, only minute amounts of the samples are needed, resolution is high, and best of all, it’s automated for high-throughput applications.

DSCF at the first NIMBB Conference
As one of the speakers in the 1st MBB Conference during the week-long celebration of NIMBB’s 25th anniversary last December 9-12, 2012, Denice introduced the Philippine Genome Center to the NIMBB community. She presented an overview of what PGC is and its goals, giving emphasis on the DNA Sequencing Core Facility, its services, as well as opportunities for students and collaborators.

PGC attends 2012 Autumn Course on Genomics and Bioinformatics in Taiwan
Members of the Philippine Genome Center DNA Sequencing Core Facility and Core Facility for Bioinformatics participated in the 2012 Autumn Course on Genomics and Bioinformatics held at the National Cheng Kung University in Tainan, Taiwan. Gabriel Villamil of the PGC-DSCF and Lovette Cunanan and Joeriggo Reyes of the PGC-CFB attended the 5-day course along with students and researchers from Taiwan, Japan, India, and Vietnam.

PGC in the 39th Annual PSBMB Convention
The DSCF and CFB teams attended the 39th Annual Philippine Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Convention last November 29-30, 2012 at Fort Ilocandia Resort Hotel, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte.

BGI & JGI Echo Report
Last October 22-23, 2012, the DSCF and CFB (Core Facility for Bioinformatics) held an echo report of the BGI Bioinformatics Workshop and the JGI Microbial Genomics & Metagenomics Workshop. Mr. David Gonzales and Ms. Marylette Roa facilitated the BGI report, which covered a wide range of bioinformatics techniques to analyze next generation sequencing data.

DSCF attends the 4th Annual Asia-Pacific Life Technologies Sequencing Summit
Dr. Cynthia Saloma and research assistant Denice Palmos attended the 4th Annual Asia-Pacific Life Technologies Sequencing Summit last October 7-9, 2012 held in Bali, Indonesia. The event featured plenary sessions and scientific poster presentations, which highlighted different research studies from a wide variety of genomic field specializations.

PGC attends the BGI Bioinformatics Workshop
Last September 17-21, 2012, members of the PGC Core Facilities attended a bioinformatics workshop held in BGI (formerly Beijing Genomics Institute) Shenzhen, China. Marylette Roa represented CFB while David Gonzales represented DSCF. The workshop included topics on variation detection, small RNA research, transcriptomics, genome assembly, single cell omics, and epigenetics.

Genomic Research in the Era of Next Generation Genotyping and Sequencing
PGC hosted a bioinformatics workshop entitled ‘Conducting Genomic Research in the Era of Next Generation Genotyping and Sequencing’ last March 20-22, 2012 at the National Institute of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology (NIMBB) and the Computer Science Research Center (CSRC) in UP Diliman.