Clinical Genomics Laboratory
Aspiring to be the country’s premier national reference multi-omics diagnostic testing center for human health.
BRCA 1/2 Germline Mutation
Analysis Test
This test identifies germline mutations in the BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 genes alongside other key mutations involved in hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. It is useful for prognosis, treatment guidance, and screening in high-risk family members for the purposes of cancer prevention and early detection.
(Sample type: blood)
BRCA 1/2 Somatic Mutation
Analysis Test
This test identifies somatic mutations in the BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 genes alongside other key mutations involved in breast and ovarian cancer. It can help to characterize active cases and provide patients and clinicians with both prognosis and treatment guidance.
(Sample type: formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues)
- Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) is for research use only and is intended to help guide clinical management. It is not intended to replace the standard of care diagnostics.
- NGS testing references from clinical databases of previously sequenced clinical specimens. As such, it is possible that not all mutations may be detected, or mutations that have yet to be reported may appear through testing.
- The accuracy of the test results may be affected by factors such as the quality of the specimen and the presence of other genetic variations.
- All test results are subject to interpretation by a qualified genetic counselor or clinical geneticist and may be subject to additional testing or validation.
- This test is for research use only and is not intended to replace the standard of care clinical diagnostics. Furthermore, although genetic testing may provide risk stratification for early clinical intervention, this is not an indication of certainty of disease, and as such should not be interpreted as a means to predict the probability of disease.
- The test results should be interpreted in the context of other clinical and genetic information.
- The testing process may involve the use of personal information, such as name and medical history.
- The test results may have implications for family members and genetic counseling may be recommended.
- The test provider assumes no liability for the use or interpretation of the test results.