On August 29, 2024, the Protein, Proteomics, and Metabolomics Facility (PPMF) in collaboration with Thermo Fisher Scientific and Medical Test Systems, Inc., hosted a hands-on workshop on mass spectrometry proteomics sample preparation for multiplex analysis with resource speaker Dr. Bhavin Patel.
The workshop, attended by researchers from different universities, presented end-to-end MS-based proteomics workflows for various applications and consisted of the following lectures and hands-on sessions:
- Mass spectrometry: Considerations for quantitative proteomics workflows
- (1) Protein extraction and quantification; (2) Reduction, alkylation, and digestion
- Peptide cleanup, TMT labeling, and quantitation
- Sample running in mass spectrometer and analysis of results

About the speaker: Bhavin Patel, MD, MS
Senior R&D Manager in Mass Spectrometry reagents group at Thermo Fisher Scientific. Bhavin has a Medical Doctor (MD) degree from the MS University in India, and a MS in Biochemistry and Biotechnology from the Georgetown University Medical Center. He led a protein biomarker assay group at NextGen Sciences and a proteomics-mass spectrometry group at Fox Chase Cancer Center before joining Thermo Fisher Scientific in 2013. Since joining Thermo, Bhavin has led the development of targeted MS assay kits, new MS system suitability standards, protein sample preparation reagents, antibody validation method for IP-MS, and reagents for quantitative proteomics analysis.
Reach out to the PPMF team via ppmfacility@pgc.up.edu.ph for available services and training.